
Festival of Robots in Opole


Opole, our home town, will be hosting the first Festival of Robots. The event is scheduled for May 31th 2014. Organized by the “Group of Robotic Obsessed Maniacs” at the Opole University of Technology tournament will host few different competitions: line following, sumo wrestling and free style in few more flavors (weights and variants). As a matter of fact we have a lot to do with this Festival. Last summer we’ve started our first Internship Program. Since that time students with our experienced programmers are creating a software system that will make the tournament possible. It’s front facing site can be reached under and lets the participants register for the fair. The backend lets the organizers manage the games. They can be organized in groups or play-offs. Our software contains also the presentation module that will be used to show current status during the games. Basically using this software you can organize and perform any kind of sport event you like. We cover everything from website content and registration to results presentation. Come and see Festival of Robots in Opole and our software in action!

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