Through a software project, that we are carrying out with our partner form Germany, we gained expert knowledge in Clarion and Microsoft .NET interoperability. We have a production ready solution to integrate those seemingly completely different worlds. We are able to call .NET C# code from Clarion and vice versa. Everything without too much fuss. We used similar technique in another project where we integrated unmanaged C++ code with managed C#. Now using “unmanaged exports” we are able to seamlessly integrate Clarion and .NET functionalities. We also go beyond that simple integrating of those two technologies. We are working on .NET implementation of Clarions expression interpreter (evaluate) and on an Entity Framework (edmx) generator from Clarion Data Dictionary (dctx). More to it soon! In a mean time at the end of the month we are going to the CIDC 2015 in Orlado, Florida to put our ideas to the test among the Clarion developers at the Clarion International Developer Conference.